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Brazilian Chicken with Olives, Beans and Rice

Tempero Baiano is a Brazilian Spice blend that is complex, distinctive and versatile and is used to season chicken, fish, soups, stews and vegetables.

Many European nations including Portugal, Spain, Netherlands and France at one point colonised a portion of Brazil and as such the distinctly regional cuisine has been strongly influenced by these African and European settlers.

This rustic Brazilian chicken, olives, bean and rice casserole features the fragrant seasoning of peppers and mixed herbs with the richness of chicken on the bone and tomato sweetness.



50g My Souk Drawer Tempero Baiano

8 chicken lovely legs

lemon & lime juice

300g basmati rice

400g tin of pinto beans

200g green (or mixed) pitted olives

1 chopped red onion

2 crushed cloves of garlic

1 tbsp tomato paste

3 tbsp olive oil

500ml chicken stock

bunch fresh coriander




Make a spice paste by mixing lime & lemon juice and 3/4 of the tempero baiano mix together to make a marinade.
Rub the chicken lovely legs with the marinade and leave in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
Heat 2 tbsp of olive oil in a deep frying pan and cook the chicken for about 5 minutes each side or until cooked through. Add the onion and garlic and cook on a medium heat for about three minutes until soft and clear. Do not allow to brown.
Add in tomato paste and rice, stirring for about 5 minutes to coat with residual oil then add about 300ml of the chicken stock, beans, olives, remaining Tempero Baiano Spice, and about 1 tbsp of the roughly chopped fresh Coriander leaves.
Simmer at a very low heat for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly until the rice is cooked, adding more stock as necessary to ensure it does not boil dry.
Serve With a scattering of fresh coriander leaves.




Trading Hours

Mon: Closed
Tue-Sat: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sun: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm


Reluctantly a cumulative set of negative impacts since 2016 has meant My Souk’s Days are now coming to an end. We thank all of our regular customers since we stated over 8 years ago, and, as unfortunately the circumstances were outside of our control both here in decisions directly affecting the original CBD, and those further afield due to COVID and costs of living, our hands have been forced to close our business permanently on Dec 24th 2022. Financially exhausted, we will not re-open elsewhere nor trade on-line but disappear into the ether amongst a multitude of aromas. Thank you for all your support. Continue to cook and eat well with spices however you can. It has been a Top Shelf experience for us and hopefully for you too. Maybe Adieu but definitely, forever, Ras -el-Hanout!!! Dismiss